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Martin Varaďa
1 article

F-19 Revell 1:144 – completed after almost 20 years…

June 9, 2019 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.3K

Hello guys,

I am new here - I came back to model building after roughly 20 years and for the starters, I decided to finalize an unfinished old model from those times ...

I know it's no splendor - the model was already painted with a brush and I didn't remove the paint. In the end, I decided to spray it all over with Humbroll paints, and then the Gloss Lacquer Clear Coat XP09 from Hataka - I used it for the first time, didn't dilute it and it clotted terribly. Polished the mess off as well as I could with #4000 polishing cloth, put on another layers of the (this time diluted) XP09 Hataka lacquer, then applied the decals using Adhesol and Tensol (Agama) and finished with two layers of semi-gloss 181 Mr. Hobby lacquer.

I decided to finish building the model for "training reasons" - everything changed in those twenty years - and I tried out some new techniques (spraying, lacquers, etc.) on a "real" model. Here is the result.

I got to know a lot of new techniques, gained new experience and I hope that all the future models will be better and better ...

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4  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Cute little build, Martin...welcome to the site.

  2. Welcome, Martin!

  3. I still find it funny that as the model companies tried to produce what they thought was our stealth fighter the company that got closest was Italeri...With the MiG-37 Ferret! I remember a line of dialog in the instructions for the reasoning behind the faceted surfaces was because the Soviets couldn't make RAM in compound curves! Our computers at the time couldn't even handle the computations to design a smooth low-observable airframe so we got the F-117. (Things had changed by the time the B-2 came about.) Might not look as cool as the F-19, but it worked! Thanks for bringing this blast from the past to the table and welcome to iModeler!

  4. Hey Martin, welcome (following Jeff and Craig again) to the site.

    Everything I do is for “training reasons” (don’t know why, where I’m going styrene will melt in a second). Great to see members showing work that IS for ‘training’ (ie, not perfect), I think we modelers learn a lot from others’ experiments.

    Welcome aboard.


  5. Welcome Martin - well done for persevering - I have some Mustangs in the stash that I last worked on in about 1978!
    I like that attitude - No kit left behind ! - some may have to wait a bit longer than others though.

  6. Welcome Martin, every model one builds is a learning experience. You'll be up to speed very quickly and this site is a good source for help and recommendations.

  7. I'll add my welcome, and look forward to seeing your future work! Every day spent in the lovely aroma of glue and paint is a learning experience...

  8. Nice build, welcome to the site!

  9. Welcome to the site Martin... I see you have the early symptoms of AMS. Perhaps our good doctor, DL-S, can prescribe some therapy. 🙂

    Congrats for sticking with it and I’m looking forward to seeing many more posted here.

  10. Ah. After Market Syndrome...

    First rank symptoms include;

    • strange itchiness in the finger tips,
    • a need to make “just one more tweak”,
      -a mild dose of clinical perfectionism,
    • early morning rumination about the relative merits of 4000 wet ‘n’ dry versus micro fibre polishing cloths (usually conincides with having to get up at 4am with that dodgy prostate,
    • persistent cough from breathing in resin dust,
    • being broke buying ever more esoteric lacquer products (“translucent, semi opaque, fast drying, hard wearing, capillary action, osmotic super finish! - only for modellers!),
    • being unable stop yourself asking the host for the lead foil from the wine she’s just opened at a dinner party (they make great seat belts...),
    • looking at that strange piece of plastic thinking, “I know I could us3 it for SOMETHING...”

    Ah, I could go on...

    Treatment? Well. There’s only one thing to do, and that’s making a nice, OOB cheap kit while your wireless network is switched off and your credit card hidden...

    Yeah, right...


    Is that a PRS les Paul in your profile photo?

  11. Beautifully made guitar, with a very nice sound - bite of a Gibson and warmth of a strat (must be that tone knob). I thought Is was a PRS as I could only see the shoulder and I had a friend with a PRS in that exact colour.

    ‘See’ you soon.

  12. Yeah, that floating trem on the video is outrageous.

  13. cool to see this built

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