Scratchbuilt Ma.k 1/35th scale
Greetings all!
I have been absent from this site for quite some time as university has been quite a dramatic change to my free time. I have however still managed to chug along through some projects and I will be posting the projects which I recently completed in the weeks to come. What I have posted here is a scratchbuilt Ma.k which I built for a group build. The build took me a while and I found it very hard to stay motivated at times when I was trying to work out how the thing would fit together! I intended to make the final build look abandoned and I think I succeeded to an extent. Let me know what you think of the build, any critisism is welcome!
Excellent build Matthew - great to see the in progress shots too - it certainly has that abandoned look about it!
Really inventive, Matthew! Well done!
Scratch built..?! Amazing workmanship.
WOW man, nice staff.