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Mee Wan
76 articles

1/35 K200A1 MIFV Malaysian Army scheme

July 3, 2019 · in Armor · · 4 · 5.4K


This is a 1/35 scale model kit from Academy model Korean army K200A1, this armor is also used by the Malay Royal Regiment with similar specifications. Here is the model of it in its Malaysia colours (Nato Digital Camo) with added MWM decals for the Malaysian Army Regiment. Overall its a clean OOB. The link below is a video process of the build.

Thanks for the read ! =)

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4  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. Beautiful result(s) on that camo scheme, sir...

  2. That's pretty cool mate, I know how tricky this camo is to get right, great work.

  3. thanks for the comments !

  4. Appreciate your patient and excellent job !

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