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Allan J Withers
204 articles

Boeing FA 18A Hornet, A21-26, 2 OCU RAAF Williamtown NSW 2005.

1/72 , I started this in 2015, finished in MM enamels with Future over Leading Edge decals which are not intended for Fujimi kit ! it has Quickboost seat with scratch built ASRAAM's and antennae, completed for the , the subject was painted by to celebrate 20 years of service with the .

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Really nice Aussie hornet

  2. Great job, Allan. That’s the sharpest special scheme I’ve ever seen on a Hornet.

  3. Very nice finishing job, of a kind. 🙂

  4. Beautiful, Allan.


  5. The Year of the Kangaroo ought to be a group build.That is one of the most striking schemes on an aircraft I have ever seen. What a beaut!

  6. a thing of beauty Allan

  7. Wow!, a work of art, Allan.

  8. Outrageous Allan! That is a very cool scheme, and the execution is great!

  9. I have corrected the angle of the vertical stabilizers, see heading pic's !

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