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Ozkan Turker
11 articles

Gotha WD-13 Seaplane 1/16 Scratchbuilt…

January 3, 2014 · in Aviation · · 32 · 7.7K

Hi, I'm back 🙂 I was away for a long time because of this baby nearly for a year. On January (last year) my friend asked about scratchbuilt this sea plane for his collection. I tried to explain to him that not much information about it to built even a paper model! He declared that will accept what I may finished . This is an iron nut . I spent three monts to draw a model plan as correct as possible using small amount of data, a few photographs and a bad 3-view drawing.

After finishing 3D model on CAD form I planed contruction technics and materials. I used all I have : Laser cutting for fuselage and wing parts, silicon mouldings and resin castings for engine and struts, PE for detail parts, vac-u form for cowling parts etc...I spent nearly six months on workbench to built every details. There is no ready to glue part except an O-ring gasket for steering wheel 🙂 This is a real multi-media project : wood, ply, carbon stripes, leather, paper, sweat and blood (cut finger twice) .

Well at last we all satisfied what bring out here. I hope you may also. If you would like to see more progress photos here is link :

Happy Modelling


Reader reactions:
24  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

32 responses

  1. Welcome back. You have resurfaced very spectaculary! Unbelievable workmanship & planning. Don't know how you could have done any better.

  2. Wow! You and I are certainly on different ends of the spectrum. I am starting out and you produced this from thin air - from the plans to completion. It looks fantastic and congratulations to your friend who now has this as part of his collection.

  3. Thank you Ozkan, because I'm sure the injected plastic model kit will be available soon now that you have completed this project. Beautiful work in any case. Welcome back.

  4. Tremendous work Ozkan, none of this buy a kit and build it.
    To draw out the plans and fabricate all the parts your self, and then build it , is amazing.
    A very well done sir.

  5. what a gorgeous model - much respect, Sir! FLAWLESS VICTORY!

  6. Ozkan, I hate articles on scratch builds!...because you are operating at a level way, way up above me! I'm afraid I need to open a box with 80% of the work done. Brilliant job. I've seen a scratch built Sikorski Skycrane on another site, it looks just like a factory produced model. Incredible.

  7. Excellent workmanship and photography, sir...nice job!

  8. said on January 3, 2014

    That is absolutely gorgeous Sir! Very inspirational.
    Thank you for sharing.

  9.'ve even stepped up for you...worldclass

  10. A museum piece, Ozkan. Just wondrful !

  11. Ozkan...I respectively hand over my airbrush in surrender! Absolutely stunning craftsmanship in all aspects of this beautiful hobby of ours!

  12. Ozkan,
    What more can I say that has not already been said. This is absolutely marvelous. I am in awe of your skills. I thought years ago that building a stick and tissue model was difficult. Your model makes S&T look like child's play. In my dreams I could not do what you have done here. My hat is off to you.

  13. Unusual subject and a demonstration of wide ranging modelling techniques at a high skill level.

    One thing - I'm not familiar with the 1:1 dimensions of this aircraft, so 1/16 of that isn't as clear as perhaps it might be. Maybe something to scale shown adjacent the model by comparison, or a reference to the 1:1 dimensions, for clarity?

    Excellent work though.

  14. Thank you very much for kind messages . These are potential pusher for new projects.

    Rob you are right, I missed this point. I give a link to have an idea about size of model. Thanks

    • My error Ozkan - i was focusing on the model and missed the shot of you working on it. Gives a better idea of the size (unless of course you yourself are 1/16!

  15. That's it, I'm packing it in...I'm gonna start stamp collecting.
    2 Questions before I do though Ozkan, #1 how do you find time and #2 is that your work space in the last picture ,it brings a new meaning to the word Mancave.
    Probably the best bit of modelling I've seen this year (!)

    • Neil do not give up we need more modellers than collectors on this planet 🙂

      I have 24 hours usually but half of it occupied by job and traffic ! If I am not down after dinner I spend 2-3 hours for modelling. But weekends I may spend all day for modelling (thanks to my family). Key word is dedication 🙂

      And second answer : This cave is not mine. My fox hole not enough to built such a Gotha (Wingspan 1 meter nearly) and after I complete components I had to move my friend's workbench and worked there only weekends nearly three months 🙂

  16. In my opinion this is the Model of the month...a Museum quality model that will educate anyone who takes the time to look it over on many levels. Furthermore, the model goes a long way in showing the viewer that the Turks have been in aviation for a long time ...with a rich history going back to the first world war.

    Congratulations Ozkan on doing a Job well done,well done indeed. Two thumbs up.

  17. WOW That is simply stunning. Really a work of art. My hat is off to you...a true master.

  18. Hmmm... where did I leave those knitting needles? Wasn't there a sale on yarn this weekend?


  19. said on January 4, 2014

    stunning indeed. An excellent work of art.

  20. said on January 4, 2014

    That has to be one of the finest models, scratch-built or otherwise, that I've seen. That year's work and patience truly shows.

  21. It would be rude not to acknowledge this! Amazing!

  22. Incredible, very professional, I hope your friend appreciates it. What's next?

    • Thanks George . Yes he did but if he did not like it I might get it back with pleasure 🙂 Next project is finishing my ill-fated Breguet XIX in 1/32 scratch ...

  23. Ozkan, all I can say is amazing, and thank you.

  24. Stunning! Would love to use one of the photos for the basis of a painting, Could you please contact me.


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