Italeri (Accurate Miniatures) A-36
I really like the AM line of early P-51s and A-36s. Here's the most recent one I've built, released by Italeri. Straight OOB, even the decals, except for the yellow wing stripes, which I painted instead of using the decals.
I used Model Master Acryl paint and washes, along with some Tamiya weathering kits.
Nice job on the Apache/Invader.
I've really enjoyed building the (ex) Accurate Miniatures Allison Mustang kits too. Fun kits to build. Some glitches, but nothing that can't be fixed or replace with aftermarket parts.
Sweet looking Mustang! I have always thought the early Mustangs have a cooler profile than the "D" model, and you have captured it well.
nice work and great scheme
Very nice
I've built several "Accurate Miniatures" kits over the years (not any more, though), and I always found them to be indeed "accurate" and a pleasure to construct. Nice job on this example, too.
Thanks everyone!
Nicely done Mike, have build 7 of their early Mustangs and enjoyed each one. Fun little kits and you can still find some of them at shows for very reasonable prices as well.
Yeah, the A-M ponies are real honeys, and you have done a bang-up job with this one.
To me, the only weak part of the kit is the prop. I usually try to either replace the blades or at least sand them thinner. Don't know how they managed to mess that one thing up.
Thanks Tom. Yeah, you can really see the thick prop blades in the first pic.
Nice to see an Allison pony, looks great.
Great job! Good lookin' Apache, Mike!
A great looking Apache! Nicely done.
I never noticed the chin guns on an A-36 before. Nice work!
One of the reasons why I wanted to build one! I just think they're cool.
Nicely done sir. The A/M kits are very nice.
Thanks, everyone!
Sweet build of a sweet kit! Nice that you kept the big gear doors closed - I built mine with them open and later found out it is wrong. Great work all around!
Thanks! I wouldn't have caught the issue with the gear doors without the help of other modelers.