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Derek Matile
58 articles

Twin 40mm Bofors

July 27, 2019 · in Uncategorized · 15 · 2.5K

This is a scratch built model of twin 40mm Bofors I made a couple of years ago.I’v done a little bit of work on them recently by taking off 10mm off each barrel and giving it a new paint job after seeing a picture of this paint scheme and a different base.Not sure of the scale but is eleven inches high with full elevation.

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10  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. I'm at a loss for words regarding your scratch building techniques - absolutely stunning craftsmanship, sir !

  2. Craig said it all, Craftsmanship!

  3. Excellent scratch building

  4. Great job, Derek. I have always thought the twin 40 looked really cool. I have thought it would be cool to build, but I change my mind when I remember that my building skills are a long way from being able to make mine look like yours. What is the scale of your scratchbuild?

    • Hi George,thanks for the comment. I suppose everyone has some sort of skills and as a model builder I m sure you wouldn’t have a problem building one of these.Taking your time and lots of patience it can be done.It’s not as hard as it looks.As you probably know,I only work with wood.

  5. Beautiful scratch build.

  6. Gorgeous work, Derek, I really look forward to your builds. Superb craftsmanship.

    Now, could you do me about eight in 1/350, same detail...


  7. Derek, your builds are all very well done. I am always impressed by them, but rarely comment. This build, however, is awesome to me. David beat me to the comment, because I too could use about 8... or 9. 🙂

    Great job!

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