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Rob Anderson
206 articles

Creepy crawlies......

September 3, 2019 · in Uncategorized · · 10 · 1.5K

I won't be doing a blow by blow, but here is just what the Dr ordered after a long detailed build like the I just finished. A good old Tom Daniel kit...More to come later!

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6  Awesome

10 responses

  1. Haven't seen this one for a long time (but I remember it - along with all the others in the series)...hope ya don't leave it that color. 🙁

  2. I will be painting it Tamiya Candy Lime Green.

  3. You sure have varied taste! Cool to see some of these old "childhood friends" again!

  4. I decided at the end of last year I needed to balance "serious" and fun in my building after being so stressed building the still unfinished RFM Panther G. Now, I enjoyed the Tamiya Tomcat, but I can't say it was fun! This will be FUN!

  5. A great blast from the past!

  6. ahhhhhhh Lime Green ! Now that's a real Mopar color... This one will have a Hemi in it ...

    • Yep, I think it's great current Chargers and Challengers still come in Sublime Green. LOL the engine is a Ford!

      • Oh No ! Not the "F" word ... LOL That's almost blasphemy... just kidding with ya.

        Now they're making some of the new Jeeps in the Lime Green color too. I have an original 1970 Challenger that had this as the original color. It needs a lot of work, but you can still see traces of the Lime Green here and there in the untouched areas.

        I'll be watching for updates on this build. These old kits are the bomb !

  7. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Love those MONOGRAM kits, they were with us then and till this day … still are.

  8. Monogram kits are the best and are still my go-to kit, along with some of the old Revells. Building a dragster will be a real change of pace. Have fun with it!

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