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Geir Andersen
32 articles

Happy wife, happy life

September 2, 2019 · in Uncategorized · 15 · 1.8K

I know this is probably not the forum for DIY arts and crafts, but none the less I would like to share this model I built for my wife’s birthday.
I wanted to build her something, but as she has no interest in tanks or aircraft, I had to come up with something else that she might like.
I started out with a polystyrene heart and glued a zipper to it before covering it with Apoxie Sculpt as I’m trying to learn more about sculpting and scratch building.
Added more details with Apoxie Sculpt before painting and weathering.
I’m happy with the result and I think she liked it.

LOL, I'm sorry the way iModeler cropped the front page image, it might be misleading.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    I like it Geir, nice use of the imagination and creativity in you.
    The colors chosen are very pleasing.
    Thanks for sharing this project.

  2. Left Anterior Descending Artery is a little off...(I'm kidding!)

    That's super cool!

  3.'s different - I'll give ya that! 🙂

  4. A remarkable piece of workmanship, ingenious and creative

  5. That’s pretty damn cool. I put my wife on the nose of my we know where our bread is buttered.

  6. Something a little out of the ordinary - good to see!

  7. Pretty cool! I'm sure she loved it.

  8. Very good idea, I always tell the other half that one day, I will build a tank and spray it in pink a gift. Most of the time and to my great surprise, this act of appreciation from a modeler is not having the same response as the average bouquet of flowers, even though these can be pink too... Any views/recommendations?

  9. Does that allow for more stash build-up?!

  10. Great piece of work. And idea!

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