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Dmitry Ryzhenkov
36 articles

Beriev-6 Madge, Trumpeter, 1/72

October 27, 2019 · in Aviation · · 23 · 3.8K

Hello, friends! Today I want to show a model of a flying boat Beriev-6. Here's what I had to finalize on my own:

  1. Engines from resin from the some German

  2. Oil cooler air intake inlet drilled

  3. The output of the oil cooler is cut and glued from sheet plastic. It was a level log.

  4. The drilled hole of the exhaust nozzles.

  5. Cabin aft arrow equipped with a homemade red dot sight.

  6. Flaps lowered to take-off position. Changed suspension units.

  7. The barrels of the bow and stern guns were replaced with brass blackened tubes.

  8. Installed radar antenna in the bottom.

  9. Added handles at the ends of the landing gear struts

  10. Added hinges of the rudders.

  11. Made riveting.

The model was painted with Mr paint.Color by Gunze, Gunze flush.

I hope you like the model.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

57 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. Very interesting, and very nice work on this.

    What are the markings?

  2. Well, well, well, I didn't know this model, and you made a great job.
    I'm going to search the model in my favorite online shops...

  3. Very nice, looks great!

  4. Simply magnificent work! Hadn’t seen this model before, and you just pushed it up several levels. True craftsmanship, thanks for posting

  5. Beautiful work– great job of highlighting the surface detail.

  6. Excellent result. First build of this kit that I have seen and you have nailed it.

  7. Robert, Pedro, Mike, Haslam, thank you for your attention to the model and its evaluation.

  8. Nice work Dmitry! Great subject.

  9. Dmitry: Congratulations on a very fine model. I especially like all of the detail that you added, like the excellent rivetting, and the antenna wires. Your modelling skills are superb!

  10. Beautiful Dmitry - puts my old Revell Madge to shame! Thanks for the in-process paint pics - gave me some great ideas. This is just a beautiful model.

    • Greg, thanks for your feedback. You should not say such words about your model Be-6. Revell does much worse kits than Trumpeter. You made your model very worthy and I considered it with pleasure when I built mine.

  11. I do like me a flyin' boat! (Their A40 is spectacular too even if it is an amphibian!) It does look like the took the nacelles from a Tu-4/B-29 and stuck them on inverted. Is that the case or do they just look similar? I like the stencil for achieving the mottled look under the paint. Great job on this Dmitry!

  12. I love it! @dmitry
    I have this kit in stash and couple of ideas for it, but you are setting very high standards with your Be-6. Really nice!
    What are you using for riveting?
    All the best,

    • Aleksandar, thank you for your kind words! For riveting, I use a homemade tool. It uses a gear from the clock.

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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