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Robert Royes
257 articles

Martlet Mk.IV 888 NavalAir Squadron HMS Formidable,OP Torch,1942 Airfix 1/72

October 28, 2019 · in Aviation · · 11 · 1.6K

Another gem of a kit, Built out of the box with kit decals , went together with no real issues. The kit has you use the cowl ring extension and cowl, that left another cowl, maybe for a III? It couldn't be for the US version because there's no small intake on the lip. The kit also has a nice wing fold option.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. That Airfix Wildcat is a great model, and them doing the Martlet IV is a real plus. Your result is superb.

  2. Very nice Rob! Love the F4F in those colors.

  3. Nice one Robert!

  4. Great kit and build Robert, keep 'em coming!

  5. Nicely done Robert, she really looks sweet in that camo scheme.

  6. Nice work Robert. Marlet/Wildcats are confusing.

  7. Looks good Robert, nicely done.

  8. Looks good Robert! I built this kit (in US colours) myself earlier this year and was suitably impressed.

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