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Jorge Garcia
31 articles

Stuka Ju 87G-1 Tank Buster Revell 1/48

October 18, 2019 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.9K

This is the older Ju 87G-1 Tank Buster from 1968, Amazing kit, easy to built.
One of the cannons was the only fit issue fixed with some putty.
No pro photos this time, just iphone pictures

Enjoy the pictures.

Este es el clásico Stuka Ju 87G-1 de Revell en 1/48, original de 1968, muy buen y fácil modelo, sin problemas de armado exceptuando uno de los cañones teniendo que utilizar algo de masilla.
No hubo sesión de fotos esta vez, solo las del iphone.

Disfruten el modelo

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Turned out nicely, sir...good work.

  2. still a fine kit...great job on it

  3. Nicely done, looks great!

  4. Even old kits can look great if they're done well as posted here. Nicely done Jorge.

  5. Very nice. I think the Stuka is my favorite German plane of the war.

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