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Rodney J. Williams
171 articles

1/35 "M-47 Patton Tank."

November 25, 2019 · in Armor · · 3 · 1.9K

Some time in 1998 I bought this kit which was my very first tank model. I have no record of who made the kit but I can say that it was very easy to build right "o.o.b."

I painted the track with some steel paint because real tanks wore off any factory paint real fast.

I used the kit's decals and sanded off some of the O.D. paint for a weathering effect. I also used some dirt from my garden on the base and poured some clear "Future Floor Wax" in the dirt to show a "mud/water" effect. I bought my wooden base at the hobby shop.

I liked the end results, including the fact that I could build a tank faster than any airplane, so over the years I built over 25 "armor" models.


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3 responses

  1. Superb weathering.

  2. Not a tank guy but your Patton looks good to me.Nice job Rodney

    • To the two "TOM's"
      Compared to my airplanes, tanks were a "snap" to build, no cockpit, instrument panel nor side console, let alone wheel wells/landing over the years, I built more armor type of models.

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