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Valter vaudagna
50 articles


November 29, 2019 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2K

Hasegawa /Secter SCALE kit ,corrected and Modified in the form to obtain a specimen with a closed Glass hood,in this case the 2nd prototype specimen with camouflage paint exposed at the Milan aeronautical show

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Beautiful G.50. Excellent conversion and paint work.

  2. I agree with what Dale said... Very nice indeed. You don't see many of the G-50's built, and this is the first one I have seen built as the prototype plane.


  3. unique and beautifully done

  4. Wow! Talk about turning a sow's ear into a silk purse! This is superb work and talent on display.

  5. Another nice one, rare scheme, well done!

  6. That's a real beauty, and a great scheme! Love it!

  7. Great looking aircraft

  8. Unbelievable work Valter, and what a beautiful scheme

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