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Alfredo Cofré
13 articles

Pit-Road IJN Shimakaze 1943 1:700

November 21, 2019 · in Ships · · 8 · 2.4K

Long time without posting here, folks. I've been really, really lazy with plastic. Luckily, my 5 y/o son is model-crazy, so practically forced me to work in my while he tinkered his vintages Revell Iowa, Forrestal, Missouri and John Paul Jones. So, finally I ended enyojed the hobby as before.

Regarding this model, is a Pit-Road 1:700, very small, around 15 cms long. Is possible to build it as waterline or full hull. I usually prefer full hull, since I really like the museum presentation, but weathered. The plastic quality is awesome, absolutely no burr and the fit is perfect. The kit comes with a very small PE, very hard to manipulate since some parts are 1mm and has to be folded... I think this is one of the best kits I've seen and really enjoyed building it.

The painting, done with my trusty Vallejo paints, was finished with Vallejo effects, Vallejo pigments and oleum pin wash and filtering plus AK marine salt marks for color modulation. I think this ended very, very well. I resisted doing rigging since the model is really too small for that. Mind is around a $5 USD bill long and 1 cm width.

Well I hope you like it 🙂

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

8 responses

  1. Nice work.

    Very interesting - that is the most "un-Japanese bow" I have ever seen on a Japanese ship.

  2. Lovely work, especially for the scale! Well done.

  3. Nicely done, great job on the weathering!

  4. Excellent work! Very detailed teeny-tiny ship.

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