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Pedro L. Rocha
41 articles

Eduard Fw 190 A-8: An Arctic Wurger

December 29, 2019 · in Aviation · · 22 · 3.1K

My last build of 2019 is the excellent 190A-8 in scale from , released sometime this year.

I had been waiting for this kit ever since the first A-4 version was launched, for so far (and probably for a long time) no other late version radial 190 will be as good as this kit is.

Built OOB with 3 exceptions (guns from Aber; Decals from Sky Decals and Xtradecals and wheels from Bregun) used very little PE since I prefer the basic plastic to enhance with careful painting.

Plane representes Rudy Artner's Weiss 10 from the Eismeer Geschwader, the JG 5, and is my own interpretation from the BW photos available online. 74/75 over 76 from Gunze, 81 (late version) streaks from real colors, and the yellow 04 from MRP.

Still need to add the aerials but no time left until January 2nd, and I really wanted it to be complete still this year.

Hope you like it, wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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22 responses

  1. Professional.

    The vertical green stripes on the fuselage remind me of my tabby. Interesting camouflage and done to perfection.

  2. Pedro @holzhamer
    This has to be the best 190 build I have seen in a while... and a fine way for you to end the modeling year. The paint work is so crisp and perfect. Spot on the money to my eyes.
    Well done my friend, and I pressed the "like" button too !

    Happy new Year to you too

  3. Great way to end the year Pedro, beautiful work!

  4. Looks great to me ?

  5. Beautiful paint work. Not what you usually see, which adds to the interest. I have yet to see anyone get a bad result from one of these new Eduard 190 kits.

  6. Pedro that paint job makes a great kit even better.

  7. Very nice. That side view with the camouflage scheme and the rivets showing up nicely. very nice.

  8. Love the paintwork on this one! Fantastic.

  9. Stunning. What else can I say? Would make my latest Blau 4 a perfect hanger mate if there were to be an Eismeer reunion!

  10. Another fist class Würger. I cant make it better, this is an awesome result!

  11. Staggeringly good!

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