Tamiya Lancaster type 464 “Dam Buster”
I started out 2019 by "buying" into the 1/32nd HK Models Lancaster. The thing is huge. Anyway, to get my chops up for the big build, I picked up the Tamiya 1/48 Dambuster kit. Having always been fascinated by the story of Guy Gibson and his fellow pilots, Barnes Wallis, the training and especially the movie and having built the Revell kit 50 years ago, (was it that long ago?) I opted for this kit. Having finished 2018 with the Tamiya 1/48 Lancaster build, I was in for a bit of a surprise with this kit. Tamiya had redone some of the moldings for better fitment in the engine area, correct smooth tires (tyres), better and more accurate rear turret and the narrower props. It was also molded in grey vice black plastic. The build went as expected, some filling and sanding in the engine area, but otherwise pretty straightforward. Using some sheet plastic cut to size, I added some hinges to the modified bomb bay as these opened for access to the motor that operated the bomb spinning mechanism, otherwise pretty much OOB. I don't recall where I got the decals, they may have come with the kit, but I did A J-T which was the airplane that was flown by Joe McCarthy, the only American in the bunch. Paints used were Tru-Color paints overall. I painted the bomb, actually a large depth charge, a rust color. I did start the 1/32nd HK Lancaster, but it is just too big and it now sits in the box, packed for the day when I get the motivation to finish it.
In June of 19 I got together with my Canadian Friends in Nanton Alberta Canada for their Western Canada Model show, which just happened to be the site of a "restored" Lancaster. The folks at the museum modified it this past year to represent a type 464 complete with spinning "Upkeep". It isn't airworthy but; they fire up the engines, start up the bomb and let you stand there and marvel at it. When it's shut down, you can go through it. Yes, that's me languishing in the dorsal turret position. It was quite the experience.
This is still a great kit and you've done full justice to it. Great result!
Hello Tom:
Thanks for checking it out and your comments; I appreciate you looking in.
Good news about the revamp of the engine area of this kit. I am working on the B.I/B.III and am having a time with the cowlings. I also have the Grand Slam bomber in the stash. I am now looking forward to starting it! I wonder what it would take to get this Lancaster airworthy. Sounds like Just Jane is getting close and it would be cool to be able to double the quantity of flyable examples!
Hello Josh: Yes, those nacelles are an exercise in patience alright. As I mentioned I have the aftermarket ones but with the cutting and all the filling and sanding involved, I left them as is and went full ahead with the build.
I doubt this aircraft will ever be airworthy, a lot of work involved and limited resources. Just to see and hear the Merlins was quite an experience not to mention being able to walk through the airplane and stick my head out of the dorsal turret area. Plus, there is no runway or airstrip. The "hangar" sits right off the highway in Nanton with a park behind it. It's an intersting story how the airplane got there. Basically some farmers bought it surplus for $4k and towed it 20 miles to the site with a tractor! The rest is history.
Well done Mark, have an older Tamiya Lanc kit in the stash. Only thing keeping me from building it is where to display her. She's really big.
Hi Tom: Thanks again for looking in on this model and your comment. Yes it's a big one but unique and a significant aircraft. The Canadians flew them until the mid 60's. Pretty neat airplane.
Nicely done!
Thank you Robert for your comment and scoping out the model.
Nice. Built the standard lanc with aftermarket engines and flaps. Plenty big enough! Glad HK have made a 1/48 B17. 1/32 is insane for this size of plane unless it's a build for a museum or something.
Hi Ross: Thanks for looking in and your comments. I have the standard Lanc as well, just haven't gotten around to posting it. I too got the aftermarket engines and nacelles but with all the cutting involved it looked to be just as much work, so I put them in the drawer and went ahead with the build OOB. I am looking forward to the HK B-17 when it hits the streets.
Very nice!
Thanks for stopping in, checking it out and your comments, always appreciated.
HI everyone!
I have just taken this kit off the shelve where it has been collecting dust for quite e few years. Problem when I opened the box: building instructions and decals are missing... 🙁
While I may get hold of replacement decals of some aftermarket manufacturer, I can't get hold of the building instructions. So if anyone could help me out with a copy of these I'd be very happy if this could be shared with me. I'm living in Mechelen, Belgium so any cost for shipping will be covered! You can reach me at: p.lariviere@telenet.be
Hoping to receive a positive reply in the coming days. Many thanks beforehand for any help or assistance.
Cheers and have a good modelling year! Paul