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Geir Andersen
35 articles

U.S. NAVY Diver, 1941

December 7, 2019 · in Figures · · 7 · 2.1K

This is a bust I painted back in 2005 before my twin daughters started taking up most of my spare time.

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11  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Nice work with the different metals and materials.
    Maybe one could have added som clear plastic for the glass-windows.

  2. Really nice work on this.

  3. Subject, execution, all around, fine job, Geir.

  4. Fantastic job on the helmet and hardware. The rest is not bad either.

  5. Looks great. The metallic work on the helmet is particularly effective. I understand about daughters...been there, done that, and I got the T-shirt. :o)

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