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David Polak
14 articles

1/35 Land Rover "Pink Panther" 109 series IIA by Marshalls of Cambridge

January 30, 2020 · in Armor · · 7 · 6.2K

Land Rover 109 series II.A "" by Marshalls of Cambridge
22nd S.A.S. Regiment, Dhofar, , 1971

OK, this project is finished! Started it in July 2019. I already built this subject as Tamiya out-of-box build some 3-4 years ago and i loved the subject but the Tamiya kit (manufactured in early 70's) was very simple and lacked many details.
So I decided to build it again but with little more effort and with an idea to build it as close accurate to the original as possible.
In order to have as many "options" as possible I bought both available kits of series II.A (Tamiya and Italeri) and plus I ordered the upgrade and stowage set from Legend, photo-etched set for Land Rover from Eduard, the sand tires resin wheels from Hussar and LiveResin GPMGs.
First I had to figure out which parts from which kit i will use and which will need to be amended, upgraded or completely changed. After almost two weeks of comparing each part with photos and blueprints I gathered, I realized there will be plenty of details that I will need to scratch build from Evergreen profiles and other materials.
I don't want to bore you with detailed descriptions of all the changes I had to made, you can get the idea from the pictures which have more detailed captions.
After the build part was done the priming, painting and weathering were just a routine walk in the park.
Images are not great as i took these with my phone but later I will try to get some more professional pictures.
Thank you and enjoy. Off course, comments are most welcomed.

for more of my builds please check

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

65 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. LOVE IT! I had this kit years ago, never could get the color right. It always looked like a Barbie accessory. You nailed it!

  2. Wow - fully loaded, and looking the part! Wonderful detail work - everything brings it to life. Nicely done.

  3. Lockes and loaded, off to Muscat! Well done!

  4. ‘Loaded for bear” (or is that bare?)



  5. Fantastic paintwork - all that gear looks real. The weathered and worn look of the vehicle is superb.

  6. thank you guys!

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