The SAS Database at iModeler

6 articles
  • Items tagged with SAS
  • 6 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 years, 2 months ago

1/144 DC-9-33FSAS 75th Anniversary Group Build.

This is an original issue Airfix kit from 1973. I picked it up at a show back in 2017 for $4 US. I dabble in airliners and Douglas products are my favorites. It’s not a bad kit 50 years later. It’s only real failing is that the [...]

One of the first passenger jets, one of the last projects in 2020: Sud Aviation Caravelle, the flying beauty of the 60s!

As the poet Heinrich Heine put it so associatively and beautifully, "There is magic in every beginning", and this can also be applied to this aircraft in a broad sense. The Sud Aviation Caravelle marks many a beginning for civil [...]

Tamiya 1/35 SAS Jeep

My Tamiya SAS Jeep. This has been brush painted using various Vallejo Model Color paints. The rack round the fuel cans in the rear was made using thin plastic strips and the straps on the kit hanging on the sides was done using Tamiya [...]

SAS Jeep

A Tamiya 1/35 oldie but nice to build...hope you like it (forget the crew...)...

Land Rover "Pink Panther" 109 series IIA

Hi guys, here are finally some better images of my latest project. Thanks to Allon Kira for these amazing images. Enjoy.

1/35 Land Rover "Pink Panther" 109 series IIA by Marshalls of Cambridge

Land Rover 109 series II.A "Pink Panther" by Marshalls of Cambridge 22nd S.A.S. Regiment, Dhofar, Oman, 1971 OK, this project is finished! Started it in July 2019. I already built this subject as Tamiya out-of-box build some 3-4 [...]