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Andrew H
48 articles

Teeth&Fangs GB: North American A-36 MustangItaleri 1/48

January 31, 2020 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2K

I think it's time to put this one into the case and call it complete.

This kit is the re-pop of the old AM A-36 that many a folks are familiar with. In the usual style there were a number of decals to choose from, however, this being built for the Teeth&Fangs GB, I didn't have too much trouble deliberating..

"The wrong side of right"

The build log is over in the GB group, so I wont bore you with the details. The only addition to the build since the last post in the build log is that I painted the bombs (which robbed from my Academy F8F, due to loosing one of the AM fins), and installed them with micro-magnets, as a test of fitting removable armaments. Additionally of course, there are some finishing detail touches. It's not perfect, and there are some things that still bug me, but I convinced myself to overlook them, and I hope you can too!

Without further ado, my entry, my USAAC A-36 Mustang, flown by Lt Bert Benear, 526th FS, 86th FB, Corsica 1944. I hope you like it!

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

18 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Very nice. I've done a couple of these and you have achieved a beautiful result with this.

  2. Well done with a great finish

  3. Great choice of markings.

  4. Andrew, your Apache has all the trademarks of a great built, meaning it looks like a solid build model, no gaps or blemishes are seen from here, the paint work is spot on (I recall saying in the build thread that the OD is very realistic), and finally the decals are also very appealing. Thumbs up! And thank you for participating in the GB Andrew

    • Thanks Pedro, the biggest gap I ended up with was a bit of Gap at the wing root, which was filled in with some primer. I had no trouble fitting (and used no filler) for the front cowling fitting to the fuselage. I built the cowling halves up first, and attached them to the constructed fuselage. When I did the, the wings weren't yet attached, so I was able to expand the lower portions of the fuselage to match up with the engine cowling. Once attaching the wings, only roots had small gaps. Maybe this will help someone, and I myself will try this method again with my next AM build.

  5. Nicely done Andrew, I've always liked the Allison powered Mustangs, and this one looks great to me. You'll go crazy trying to build the perfect model, they don't exist in my world, so just sit back and have some fun. After all it's a hobby.

  6. Very nice model.
    I like moderate weathering, looks very appropriate.

  7. Nicely done! Love the choice of markings.

  8. I don't think I've ever finished a model about which I couldn't say there was something that bugged me! This looks great! Nicely done.

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