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Richard Bungay
68 articles

Bronco 1/35 Hungarian CV 35M

February 2, 2020 · in Armor · 4 · 2.2K

Here's my Bronco CV 35M. This is a nice kit with a lot of detail including the interior. The tracks gave me some trouble - the links are nicely moulded but I had some trouble due to the small mating surfaces. I'm sure most tank modellers will get the tracks right even though mine didn't turn out great. I'm happy with the rest of the tank though.

All my models can be viewed on Flickr:

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. They all look great!

  2. A nice-looking line-up! Well done.

  3. You know you're size challenged when you're dwarfed by a Panzer I!
    Well done.

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