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Dennis Meyers
108 articles

Takom 1:72 M1070 w/M1000 w/D9R Bulldozer Part II

February 17, 2020 · in Armor · · 6 · 2.6K

Completed the dozer for this awesome Takom kit. Despite the apparent complexity, the parts count was actually modest thanks to good parts engineering. The driver's compartment is well appointed for its scale but is only visible if you left a door open. The principle challenge here was the unfamiliarity of assembling the dozer blade mechanism. It was tricky deciding how far to go with painting and weathering before finally assembly. I painted the main body w/compartment, track assemblies, back hoe and blade part separately along with much of the weathering. Final weathering was done after final assembly. I painted with AK and weathered with various pigments.

Part III -- the full Monty -- coming soon.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

16 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. That is very cool. I start training on a D10T next week

  2. Very impressive modelling, Dennis. I think you nailed the ‘weathering’ - the overall effect is hugely realistic.



  3. Another great piece of modeling, Dennis!

  4. Extremely realistic!

  5. Incredible work on the weathering. That really does "look real."

  6. One of these days we are going to hear someone say “ah, nice model; but a bit too realistic for my tastes”. Probably at a model show.

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