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Marc Barris
97 articles

1/32 Scale MB 326 Scratch Build Part 3

April 5, 2020 · in Aviation · · 10 · 1.5K

Well its time for another up date on the latest scratch build project, namely the MB 326 or in South Africa, the Atlas Impala Mk 1.
With this Covid 19 virus doing the rounds, there seems to be a little time on hand to do some building, even though I form a part of Essential Services, so I do go to work even though there is a Total Lock Down at the moment. I do get off a little early so I try to get some build time in.
As you can see from the progress pictures, I managed to Vac Form the fuselage halves and scratch build the cockpit, build the nose gear well and glue the halves together.
It seems that with each scratch build project there are challenges that I have to over come, 'It does not get easier the more you scratch build". But I do enjoy the challenge each build brings.
I hope you enjoy the pictures, and if you have any queries, please don't hesitate to give me a shout.

Please take good care of yourselves and family during this trying time, God Bless you all.



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5  Awesome

18 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. This is pure modeling art, Marc. Deeply impressed!
    All the best and stay safe!

  2. This is amazing work Marc ! @marc
    I am always impressed with what you do.

    Stay safe my friend.

  3. Marc - You never cease to amaze me with the uncluttered results of your scratch building processes. It's already looking like the end result will be a neat model. Unparalleled! Maybe something worthwhile to emerge from this whole sad Covid-19 mess that affects us all.

    • Hey Paul, always good to hear from you, thank you as always for the kind comments, yes, this Covid 19 is such a mess at the moment that is affecting everyone world wide, take care of yourself and the Family.

  4. Amazing work Marc!

  5. Baie netjies my ou mater!

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