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Robert Royes
258 articles

F-14A Tomcat, VF-31 Tomcatter mid1980's,1/72 Hasegawa.

April 16, 2020 · in Aviation · · 9 · 3.4K

This is the original Hasa. molding of the F-14A. with older microscale decals which of course I used the VF-31 selection. The kit went together well, I was apprehensive in building this after the experience that I had with the Ertl/AMT. kit. I did add a piece of clear sprue under the fuel tanks, I wasn't sure if the landing gear would holdup the weight of the model. Thus completes my VF-31 post WW2 aircraft collection. Not sure if I'll do a VFA-31 Super Hornet.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Very cool collection!

  2. Nice looking 'Cat Robert... You did good buddy.

    The last picture showing your collection of various Navy birds was cool too. Go for it and build the Super Hornet... You know you want too ! ; )
    Thanks for sharing and stay safe.

  3. I agree! Build the Super Hornet, then throw some vf-3/6 Tomcatters in there too! Im also planning a lest a few Grumman cats with Felix on the side, though in 1:48. Great collection!

  4. Great build Robert. Really like that collection!

  5. That's the Cat, Robert! Great! I love your collection too.
    All the best!

  6. Well done Robert, looks good, nice little collection !

  7. Great collection! You gotta complete it with the Super Hornet.

  8. Nice Tom Robert, and a fine Felix collection!

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