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Paul van Acker
118 articles

My P51 fetish continues

April 13, 2020 · in Aviation · · 9 · 1.5K

P51B-10 flown by Major George E Preddy, 487th FG, UK June 6th 1944. C hood. kit. My 4 day lock down challenge in between various music family and friends activities. Started good friday and finished Monday at 2pm. Decals still drying lol. Happy Easter everyone.

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8  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Excellent model, standing out painwork. Bring on those Mustangs, Paul!
    All the best!

  2. Looks brilliant. I think of these as "real" mustangs with the D being a bit of an "uber" plane like the FW 190D. Desperately want to build a 1/32 high back mustang but they're like hens teeth!
    I assume this is 1/48?

  3. Great looking early pony especially in four days.

  4. Nice looking pony Paul. If one has to have a fetish this one seems OK to me.

  5. Masterful Mustang{s}!

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