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Michael Drover
23 articles

1/72 Hasegawa F-4E Phantom 63-0307, 1 Squadron RAAF circa 1971

May 4, 2020 · in Aviation · · 14 · 2.3K

Hi all.

I'm on a bit of a roll with Phantoms at the moment so here's my second one for 2020 and fourth completion for the year so far.

This is the F-4EJ built as 69-0307 while it served with 1 and 6 squadrons during its time with the . It was returned to US service in 1973 where it was converted into an F-4G and operated in the Wild Weasel role. It met its demise when it was shot down as a QF-4G in 1997 :(.

There's a photo of 07 in the Wilson book lined up as a four ship departing with full bags and 6 500 pounders. I also like this jet because it had received the strip lighting but hadn't received the Midas 4 gun muzzle change yet.

The build was straight forward with decals coming from various sources including Hawkeye Decals, Xtradecals for the roundels and Airfix for the stencils. The crew are from the Hasegawa and are both wearing yellow 1 squadron undershirts and their helmets have yellow stripes on them. The Mk.82's are from the Hasegawa weapon sets.

I'm pretty happy with the build but there is one thing that might prove to be difficult to fix. I'll leave that for another time! I think the in flight pose certainly shows off the lines of the Phantom quite well, you also don't see images of an armed RAAF Phantom hence the ordnance.

Almost forgot to mention it's my second effort at a freehand camo scheme.

Hope you like it .


Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Great looking Phantom! Nice inflight stand. Phantom kits are like rabbits, they seem to multiply.

  2. Super build. The presentation is awesome.

  3. Very nice! Gotta love a Phantom (I'm in the middle of 2, from a project of about 36). Also love that it's mounted in flight - the way it was intended to live and fight!

  4. That's one fantastic Phantom!

  5. That's a great Phantom, Michael. Very well built very finely painted. Considering it's only 1/72, I find your second time airbrush results excellent, with the demarcation lines very convincingly "tight". I love your weathering too.
    All the best!

  6. Great work Mick - as always and leaving the group chasing your tail again...
    PS - Is there anywhere in the modelling world where you haven't posted this?

  7. Nice Aussie phantom.

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