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Carlo Farina
49 articles

Ltn. Hans Böning Albatros D V

May 9, 2020 · in Diorama · · 13 · 2.5K

This is the WnW kit “Von Richtofen”. For the realization I used some aftermarket products. For the engine I used the distribution kit of "Taurus model", the lozenge decals are of "Aviattic" and the turnbukles are of "Gaspatch model". The woodgrain is with oil paints. To simulate the linen in the tail rudder I used the decals of "Aviattic". As always, the greatest difficulty is in rigging (elastic wire of "Uschi VdR"). The figure in the are by “Model Cellar” and the Bicycle are by mb model. The judgment is yours.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome 1 

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. Simply gorgeous!

  2. Epic, simply Epic!

  3. Damn, this is what I wish my WW1 models turned out to be. Amazing work.

  4. Pretty much a winner diorama, Albatros is surely one of the planes that provides innumerous colourful schemes, the trick is getting them right like you did here, splendid work

  5. Very good work and I also think that the painting scheme is a success.


  6. This is just superb, one of the best results with a WNW kit I have seen anywhere. Everything is right - the airplane, the figure, the "supporting cast."

    A big LIKE.

  7. Just one word can describe your build, which is 'wow'.

  8. I second the wow!

  9. Very well done Carlo @carlofar206, just simply outstanding!

  10. Wow indeed! Especially impressed but the engine painting, propeller lamination painting and, the gorgeous linen effect on the rudder. Exceptional work.

  11. Excellent Carlo! Simply perfect in every aspect!
    All the best!

  12. Nice work on one of my favorite Albatros schemes.

  13. Wow Carlo, just wow, really love the addition of the bicycle.

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