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Ben Walmsley
11 articles

Mustang (after many years out of the saddle)

May 24, 2020 · in Aviation · · 30 · 1.6K

Here is my 1/48 Tamiya . This is my first effort after a long time away from the hobby. This kit had been sitting half completed in the back of my cupboard so I decided it was a good place to start. The decals had not aged well and many of them broke apart so I had to use whatever I could salvage. As a consequence, the fuselage roundels are the wrong type. Camo was done freehand. I added some eduard seatbelts but it's otherwise OOB. plenty of room for improvement but the result is good enough to get excited about making models again!

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

30 responses

  1. This is really clean work and quite a nice result. How nice that modeling-passion has captured you again!

  2. Welcome back to the hobby, and not least welcome here on iModeler. Not bad at all @popeofchilitown, not bad at all! Thank you for sharing.

  3. That's a really beautiful result, Ben.
    "the result is good enough to get excited about making models again!" : your sentence summarizes everything about this magic hobby and this amazing site.
    Welcome onboard.
    All the best!

  4. Very tidy pony

  5. Welcome aboard Ben you’ll enjoy it here. Nice job on the pony too

  6. Just like riding a bike...welcome back.

  7. Very impressive to see what you have achieved after so many years.
    Really looking forward to see your next results.
    Once you have been in contact with this hobby, you will always be attracted to it.

  8. Welcome back Ben. I’m in a similar stage having been away from the hobby for 30 years, and my first build back was a 1/48 Revel Mustang. I’ve since switched to 1/72 scale because I’m building at a feverish pace and realize I’m going to run out of space with 1/48 scale! LOL

    Your effort looks a heck of a lot better than mine!

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  9. Nice first build back. I found after a massive abscence i had discovered a weird thing called 'patience' which is probably the best tool in my kit. By the looks of your build it may have helped you also 🙂

  10. Great re-start, Ben. We need you, brother hobby-guy, to help keep the fire glowing for this wonderful hobby we all dig so much.
    Good work. All good.

  11. sweet come back

  12. Nice work Ben!

  13. Well done!
    That's one of my "I must get around to building it" kits.
    I bought some Techmod decals with 6 Polish options, one of which is the aircraft you did with D-day stripes and a Malcolm canopy.

    • Thanks Michael. This aircraft is supposed to have the Malcolm hood but I used the birdcage because it looks good open, I reckon. Aesthetics over accuracy in this case.

  14. Well - I'd be excited to be back to modeling after pulling off that build! Looks great. Welcome back - and to the iModeler family.

  15. Thank you very much Greg!

  16. It is nice to see the plane model one of the best Polish fighter ace 🙂

  17. Yeah, it IS like riding a bicycle. Nice result.

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