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Valter vaudagna
50 articles

P 47 n… Michigan AIR GUARD

May 28, 2020 · in Aviation · · 16 · 2.4K

REPUBLIC P 47 N Monogram pro modeler kit ...all in all a model nice to do..National insigna ,numbers and decoration made by painting .
Metal finishing made whit mixtures of AK xtreme metal paint
For the red i used HUMBROL 153 .
The panel engravings were reduced by sanding and resumed whit an engraver

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. Very nicely done Valter,
    I really like the photo's with the yellowish, they look like official photo's from the past.
    Hardly to distinguish from real.

  2. Well done Valter, excellent finish as well as some great pics of your Jug. I did the the Revell version not too long ago and I had some problems building her. Yours looks great.

  3. Valter, the metalwork is amazing. Nice job.



  4. Wonderful work on display here... The photos of your P-47N are especially nice.


  5. Gorgeous Jug and excellent photography. I love the way you made the stars n bars look weathered and worn, like they have been out in the sun and rain for years!

  6. A real beauty - NFM, weathering, all of it is top-notch! Well done.

  7. This is very nice, a great result with a not-so-great kit. I particularly like the "aging" of the national insignia, which looks very realistic, and which one doesn't often see done at all, much less to this level of quality. The metal paintwork is also very realistic.

  8. Great build and finish!

  9. It's Perfect !

  10. Profile Photo
    Walt said on May 28, 2020

    The P-47 is my favorite American single engine fighter of WWII, and probably my favorite single engine fighter of any country. I think it is at times under rated as a fighter and overlooked in its importance. You did a very nice job on the ultimate production version of this aircraft, I have heard mixed reviews of the kit, but think you made it really stand out. Love all the color of your scheme for a silver aircraft. You did a nice job with your paint work, the silver looks like metal. Something I have never really been able to do.

  11. Agree with all gents above, Valter. This is an outstanding work!
    All the best!

  12. Also agree with all the above comments. Very well done.

  13. fantastic metal and build

  14. Some great photography and the fading of the stars and bars along with the fading of the red tail and cowling is nothing short of professional. TC comment of the kit rings true its something of a odd duck but, with a little TLC one can pull it off.
    Two thumbs up Valter.

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