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Gordon Zammit
26 articles

1/72 Revell (Academy) PBY-5A Catalina

June 24, 2020 · in Aviation · · 10 · 5.5K

This is Revell boxing of the now quite old Academy Catalina, the PBY-5A version. Built mostly straight out of the box, with the Revell decals which although a bit thick performed quite well. The roundels on the nose/cockpit sides being the most difficult to get totally flat on the curved sides. I added some detail on the wing tip where the float retracts in flight as it was quite plain and very visible. I used the Montex masks for the Catalina, which are black, thick and left a little residue after removing. Still satisfied with the results, but now I have the Eduard mask for the PBY-2 when I buid it! Rigging is done with Rig That Thing .003 O.D. stretch material. A great advantage that it stretches as it does not cut easily as soon as you touch it.

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12  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. 'Three's a Charm Gord' - and this is certainly a charmer!
    Very nice build! Thanks for posting.

  2. Good lookin' Cat! Well done.

  3. I have the Academy Black Cat Version lying staring at me but every time I pick it up and then see all the ejection marks that need dealing with I think I'll do it later when I've got more time.
    If it ends up looking half as good as yours I'll be very pleased.

    Great Work


  4. Beautifully done !

  5. What a cat! well done.

  6. Very nicely done, Gordon.
    Saw one last year during the Flying Legends show in Duxford, what a beautiful plane it is, like yours.

  7. A beautiful Catalina build Gordon, my compliments.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  8. Gordon, great and inspiring job.
    I have this same kit in Academy box, and I intend to build this version.

  9. Looks good Gordon, well done, here's my version of the Academy kit from 2011 !

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  10. That's a great job, Gordon.
    A fantastic looking Catalina!
    Got two 1/48 Monograms to build; thanks for the inspiration!

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