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Rob Anderson
206 articles

Atlantis/Revell NB-52A 0003 with X-15

June 5, 2020 · in Uncategorized · · 11 · 1.6K

What can I say, if you want an exacting replica of the NB-52A in small scale, you CAN get there, but man it would be a lot of work. Me I decided to get a clean build, add some of the camera ports and windows and build it like a desk top display model, like the ones from the era by Topping. Tons of filling sanding and priming, but overall I'm happy with it. Dayglo is a combination of Gunze Dayglo red and Dayglo orange. neither seemed quite the right shade so I mixed them.. AS-12 is the main silver used. Fun? Hmmmm well not that much, but I am glad I tackled it and am very happy with the result!

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Looks great, Rob! Love those elegant swept wings and your smooth paint job does them justice. Two thumbs up!

  2. Nicely done Rob!


  3. Looks fantastic, Rob! An oldie that turned out a beauty.
    And what a combo with the Pelican Brewing!

  4. Always enjoy seeing a NASA model from the heyday of rocket powered flight. And a well done one, too.

  5. Nicely done Rob, brings back a lot of memories about the X-15 missions and research

  6. Thanks guys, I think Atlantis has done all of us nostalgia modelers a favor with their re-pops of these classics

  7. Nice! I like what you did with the cockpit. Are going to go for the B-36?

  8. That was my first model ever! Such good memories!

  9. Thanks again averyone!

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