1/48 Kinetic Spanish F-18
Hi again. Just finished a Spanish F-18 50th aniversary Ala 46 Gando. The kit is good, only the instructions have a problem with the undercarriage because you have two models and the number of the undercarriage is not right . The kit originaly is a Canadian jet but I bought the Spanish stencils. I hope you like It.
I have a scale of "1 to 10" when I judge models. As we modeling "Judges" use to say: The number ten go to the maker of planet earth. Therefore I can only give you a "NUMBER NINE" on your model and I'll give you another #9 on the top quality of your photography.
I assume the smaller jet is 1/144th scale?
Rodney J. Williams
Retired professional film/still photographer & model builder.
I only can say one thing for your comment: thank you, thank you very much
Not normally a fan of "grey jets" but I'm a fan of this one. Beautiful work, particularly with the airbrush.
Another Hot Hornet ! Great job.
An astonishing job, Jesus.
Painting and weathering is top!
What a great Hornet!
Very nice modeling Jesus. The tail fin is what makes this one pop out, but really, you did good on the weathering. Really a good choice of markings, it is a good way too show the various nations that use the Hornet.
Also this bigger F18 is superb.
Tail imaging is really nice.
Now you can see much better how tiny this 1/144 is.
Your comments make me very happy. Thank you
Another excellent build and love the mottling you achieved with the gray scheme. Well done!