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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Celebrating the Fourth with the Condor Squadron

July 5, 2020 · in Aviation · 12 · 1.8K

Since there weren't any July 4 parades here in LA due to the plague, the Condor Squadron did some entertaining for folks. Here's some shots from the join up over my house in the San Fernando Valley, the pass over Santa Monica Beach (notice it's empty) and West LA, passing over the Getty Museum, and ending with the Overhead-360 break for landing back at Van Nuys airport.

Something that happens Only In LA: the guy in the back seat of the near (shiny) T-6 is "Mr. Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul" who turns out to be a major airplane nut (has a PPL for helicopters and is learning to fly a Vietnam-era Huey). Also turns out to be as nice a guy as he comes across as in interviews.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. That's pretty good flying weather... CAVU!

    Vince Gilligan?

  2. Thanks for the fine Texan shots Tom...good camera work.

  3. These are some amazing shots, Tom.

  4. Just beautiful!

  5. It looks to have been a wonderful "show!"

    Great pics, Tom ... thanks for sharing!

  6. What a great way to spend the 4th! Great shots over the Santa Monica beaches. And no fog!

  7. I loved flying into LAX on days like that. You could see the ocean all the way from Banning couldn't have found a better day to go fly. GREAT PHOTOS!

  8. Very nice. I’m sure head were looking upward at the BBQ for this ! the beaches below are so empty looking

  9. All I can say Tom is that you are a LUCKY BUGGER, great pictures.

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