Hasegawa P-3B, Argentinian Navy
This is the Hasegawa P-3C kit converted to a Advanced P-3B configuration, I say advanced since some of the antenna fit resembles that of the P-3C. That being said it is still a P-3 with the Sonobuoy tubes being filled and the P-3C sensor pods being left off. I added the HF wire antennas from EziLine and finished the model in Gunze acrylics and SMS metalics. The markings are from the DekLs sheet which were of the reverse application type. This is P-3 number 7 built, and number 6 in my current collection. The other is at my son's place as he is a P-3 technician.
That's a different look Ray, nicely done, I still only have one !
Thanks Allan, my P-8A is back on the bench again, hope to finish it this time around.
Great paint scheme. Don't see that often in my part of the world.
Thanks Haslam, don't see it around here either!
Hi Ray. Nice work! My Orion is still on my bench. Did you have to modify the propellers ? My Hasegawa Orion had rather flimsy props. Very thin and too Concave on the backside.
In retrospect I would have filled them or gotten after market ones.
The 3 stripes on their tips are a challenge as well. Still trying to make them look good. If you could share how you did yours.. they look very good!
Go, Orion go !
Thanks Bernard, yes mine are the kit props unmodified. I tried to modify them on one of my builds some time ago. I now have some sets of the Eduard replacement props for future builds. For the prop stripes I painted the tips white and the hubs black, masked those up and painted the rest of the blade aluminium. I had extra red decal strip from the fuselage prop warning line on this particular decals sheets so I cut that up into appropriate lengths and applied it to the front and back of the blade tip. Some of the Hasegawa kits include the decals for the prop tip, the NP-3D in particular.
Nicely done, great looking scheme!
Nice and clean build Ray.
Well done.
This is an awesome build, Ray. I especially like the Argentine markings.
This is for sure a very nice build of a P-3. A very nice and well achieved shine.
A good choice for national markings, the Argentinian Armed Forces give this one a special look, nice work Ray.
That's a gorgeous P-3B, Ray. You are the P-3 man!
I think time is approaching for me to backdate My Hasegawa P-3C to Hellenic P-3B...
A beautiful build! The Argentinian scheme is really nice on this bird.
I agree with "ALL" the above post's, but I have a question.
What is "EziLine" as I have never heard of it during my 35+ years of building models.
For years, I used fine nylon thread from women's panty hose, then I switched to women's long black hair. They both were glued with "thin superglue."
I'm just wondering! as I had to quit modeling in 2016.
Thanks all!
Rodney, Eziline is basically an elastic thread which I attach with superglue.