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David G LANE
123 articles

Lt.Charles Nungesser Nieuport 17 [Late] N.65 Escadrille Nov 1916

July 12, 2020 · in Aviation · 12 · 2.6K

Copper State Models

Reader reactions:
20  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. A wonderful baby !

  2. Beautifully done, David! Lots of great looking details.

  3. What an incredible build, David.
    Everything looks great on this build, detailing, painting, weathering, you name it.
    Well done.

  4. What can I say? It’s a masterpiece... I’ve read good things about this kit and its variations, but your work made it unbeatable. Congratulations David

  5. This is a wonderful build, David.
    A masterpiece indeed!

  6. Very nice. What kit is this?

  7. David, @mentaldental
    What a work of art ! This is an incredible model. Each time I look at it, I notice another hidden detail that I missed the first time around. Did you add the rib stitching on the wings, and laces on the fuselage ? Or are they part of the kit ? The wooden parts look so realistic too.

    This also happens to be my very favorite scheme for the Nieuport 17. I have scratch built the majority of the pieces needed for a 1/6 scale RC electric powered flying model, and mine is painted in the same markings. I still have to build the top wing and landing gear for it. Everything else is done. I even built a 1/6 scale Williams Brothers Le Rhone rotary for hide the electric out runner motor. I'm afraid to finish it up because I will fly it... and inevitably crash it ! Mine has an almost identical framework, as I mimicked the fuselage formers and it has scale wing rib spacing.

    Well done, and I definitely pressed the "liked" button...

  8. Great looking model, even if it has one too many wings. I have heard that Copperstate models can be a handful, but you have done an amazing job. Well done.

  9. Show stopping build. What museum is it going in 🙂

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