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Charles King
130 articles

Fuel/Maintenance Anti-Gravity Barge

August 5, 2020 · in Sci-fi · · 14 · 2.2K

The thought process behind this build was simple. This is what the subject title entails. An old soon-to-be retired anti-gravity fuel/maintenance anti-gravity barge that service large spaceships that enters within an atmosphere.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Nice concept, very creative, it's got that sci-fi vibe to it.

  2. Very cool idea. Looks very much a working machine. To me it seem to lack something, though. I'd like to see that whateveritis that connects this barge to the space ship. Can be a physical bit, like some kind of tie-up rope/wire or tube/pipe/hose to connect between say a AG fuel barge. It can also be some other kind of stuff that connects this platform to the other, like tools or a load that is to be shifted. It's the human activity I'm looking for. A crew member holding something? As it is now it doesn't say much about its purpose or how it works.

    • Thank you for your constructive criticism. Appreciate it. I planned on adding a couple of small items and a figure or two. I just didn't have the time and hadn't come to a complete decision, on what I wanted. That's why it is how it is.

  3. Hi Charles!
    This is an amazing idea,"materialized" in a most effctive way.
    Looks so cool and sparkles the imagination.
    Excellent craftmanship, as always.

  4. Now this is really cool looking ! What a creative imagination you have.

  5. Very creative and nicely executed!

  6. Like EVERYTHING I've seen of yours, it's excellent!

    Bravo, Charles!

  7. I think its a great start and the model kind of makes me want to see more too. It reminds me of some of the River Boat tugs that I see with the cab arrangement. Or I'am reminded of a Combine that is used to harvest wheat or what have you. The word Barge makes you think of something bigger something with mass and Charles you model implies that its used to move larger things.
    It does make one think and creates the what if factor.

    Two thumbs up.

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