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Jeff Groves
57 articles

Monogram Boeing F4B-4

October 1, 2020 · in Aviation · · 15 · 3.4K

A pair of the venerable Monogram Boeing F4B-4 kits, first released in 1968. This is one of the easiest biplane kits to build, the landing gear legs and fuselage struts are molded as part of the fuselage halves with results in a strong assembly and proper alignment. If you struggle with biplane kits you will be pleased with this one, it is a joy to build and still holds up well by today's standards. I scratchbuilt a cockpit and added rigging from 0.004” Nitenol wire. Decals are from Yellow Wings sheet 72-011, the white-tailed aircraft was operated by VF-6 from the USS Saratoga (CV-3), the green tailed one was from VB-5 aboard the USS Ranger (CV-4).

Construction post here:

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. Love those kits! You did a great job building them sir, well done!

  2. Those are real beauties! I just finished rigging a 1/72 Fi-167 with Uschi line - 24 runs total! I may try the wire next time.

  3. Those are both fantastic! Better detail and finish that on my 1/48 scale Aurora kit.

  4. Very nice builds, Jeff.
    This rigging still keeps me away from bi-planes.
    Seeing yours, I might consider buying one at a modelling event next month.

  5. Beautiful result!

    And if you're not into scratchbuilding a cockpit, Starfighter Decals has a resin cockpit for this that is really nice.

  6. One of the first models that I ever built, back when it was new!
    Great job on a kit that still hasn’t been bettered in this scale!

  7. It's great to see these built! nicely done.

  8. They are great looking kits

  9. I love the Monogram 1/72 kits from this period. The biplanes and P-36 kits are great to build. If you don’t mind rescribing panel lines and scratching cockpits, they can be built into little stunners. Thanks to Mark at Startighter Models, there are great decals and resin sets for these kits. I have hoarded them and have many in my stash.

  10. That is a great kit. You did a great job with it!

  11. They look good Jeff, nicely done and presented.

  12. Echoing above gents comments, Jeff!
    Both look fantastic!

  13. Good looking pair Jeff, job well done.

  14. Thanks guys, much appreciated!

  15. Great work. I still love these kits. It’s a shame nobody has done a mainstream F4B-4 in 1/48.

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