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Eric Gieske
4 articles

Pz. VIII Maus

October 17, 2020 · in Armor · · 4 · 2K

I got this model and built it. It is one of my favorite builds. Check out this link for my YouTube channel to see model unboxing and virtual tours and me playing games.

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2  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. Nice job Eric, very cool tank. I gave a ten minute speech partially on the maus last weekend so nice to see a model of it.

  2. Really good work here, Eric. This big boy here doesn't get as much attention as it deserves. It's crazy to think about the even bigger models they conceptualized.

  3. Nice build, Eric!
    This tank looks very imposing!

  4. A real rug rat !
    The idea of super tanks got ridiculed in histories of WW2 but was not that crazy After all Provided you could get it to where you wanted it to be for action. A mobile super land fortress. It never was, and one is on view in Russia. A mouse it is not in size !
    Thank you for your post.

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