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Alan Price
48 articles

Tamiya Toyota TS050 LMP1 car in 1:24

October 31, 2020 · in Automotive · · 6 · 2.5K

After finishing the Hurricanes for the MAI Battle of Britain series earlier in the year, I decided I needed a bit of time off from model making and to do a few different builds. So - having completed a Fujimi Lamborghini for my son, I decided to pick up one of 's Toyota LMP1 cars. As with any Tamiya the fit was incredible however this is not an easy build. Very complex painting, having to paint and finish exterior parts before assembling other bits on to them, days and day of decals. You have to plan very carefully how things will be finished to avoid masking and assembly problems. However, the end result is superb. I used Tamia Lacquer paint for this - and very good it was too.

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8  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Stellar build. I wish Tamiya included complete engines with these kits.

  2. Very impressive build, Alan.
    Your paint job is spotless!

  3. Yes indeed, I do believe self-congratulation with "superb" is definitely in order. We're always our most-harsh judges.

    the paint work and decaling is incredible.

    • Thanks Tom, to be fair my intention with the 'superb' was more a reflection on Tamiya's stunning kit rather than my work. I'm afraid I cant mark myself at that level, the camera, thankfully, hides a multitude of sins!

  4. I've built one of these myself and agree with your comments, Alan. Unfortunately mine didn't turn out quite as neat as yours but it still looks OK from a "normal" viewing distance.

  5. Sounds like a challenge! And one I want to build.
    Excellent work!

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