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"The response to my group build has been staggering." @dlee
Nice plane, nice kit, nice camo. That is all i need. Another nice bird on my stuff.
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This is a wonderful Eurofighter, Josef! The GINA is one of my favourite schemes and you did an excellent job. Well done!
Nice looking model. Really liked the underneath shot that showed the underneath detailing work. Liked.
Real nice paint job ! I prefer this style of camouflage instead of a complete grey(s) livery, as most western jet are .
Great job Jo, is this a " what if" or is it for real ? N.
It is real camouflage for Anniversary Battle of Britain
Very nice work and a great result.
Hello Josef, Enjoyed your contribution .? Regards, Dirk
Nice scheme. I really liked building my Revell Typhoon as well. Nice set of decals and armaments.
A very nice build, Josef. This Battle of Britain scheme looks indeed much beter than the modern grey schemes.
Looks great in the retro camouflage!
Excellent build - and the BoB scheme is very cool!
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This is a wonderful Eurofighter, Josef!
The GINA is one of my favourite schemes and you did an excellent job.
Well done!
Nice looking model. Really liked the underneath shot that showed the underneath detailing work. Liked.
Real nice paint job !
I prefer this style of camouflage instead of a complete grey(s) livery, as most western jet are .
Great job Jo, is this a " what if" or is it for real ?
It is real camouflage for Anniversary Battle of Britain
Very nice work and a great result.
Hello Josef,
Enjoyed your contribution .?
Regards, Dirk
Nice scheme. I really liked building my Revell Typhoon as well. Nice set of decals and armaments.
A very nice build, Josef.
This Battle of Britain scheme looks indeed much beter than the modern grey schemes.
Looks great in the retro camouflage!
Excellent build - and the BoB scheme is very cool!