1/32 Eduard Bf 108
I didn't post since september.
From then I've menaged to finish few models... Faun, Zil 130, Panzer 35 (t) , Type 82E... This would be my first post since then, in next couple of days I will post other models.
This is Eduard's pack from Striped Fighter moulds. Eduard added PE, resin rudder, decals and here it is... Bf 108.
I was into making another Bf 108 in Royal Yugoslav Air Force, but I decided to do the model in standard Luftwaffe markings.
I didn't expirience many problems, except with glass. Nevertheless I had to rescribe most of the panels, becuse I did so many sanding, puttying and so on. Panels are very shallow, so they need more scribbing.
I've painte the model with acrylics, lacquers and oils.
I'm not into the "civil" Luftwaffe planes, so I didn't enjoy very much doing this model.
Be free to comment .
Cheers and stay safe 🙂
Djordje, your civil bird was the blue print for Me-109. Many of design concepts were worked out with 108. There is a YouTube series on the restoration of a 108 that had been ground looped. Kermit Weeks is having it restored to flying condition and the series shows the tear down and rebuild of the a/c. Your build is a great resource and inspiration for building this kit along with the after mention series.
Two thumbs up.
Thank You Stephen!
I know about Bf108 as a test for producing Bf109. That was the one of the reasons for me to do this model 🙂
Although you are not into the "civil" planes, you created a very nice build, Djordje.
That scheme is very nice.
And as mentioned by Stephen, this 108 is the start of the unforgettable 109.
Thank You John!
I aslo think that this is very important plane, althought the Storch was more used as a liason plane during WWII 🙂
A very nice model of a very important plane, Djordje @sheol!
I love the 108!I have it in 1/72 and 1/48 kit forms. After seing your build, I would also fancy to have it in 1/32.
Well done!
Thank You Spiros!
This Eduard box is very good, with very few modifications You can achieve great result 🙂
Love the paint work on it - nicely "used." I'm with you - not a big fan of civil birds, but in military colors that evens things out a bit!
Thank You Greg!
I was into doing this model in Royal Yugoslav colors, but our color scheme was very monotone 🙂