Italian Stallion…1/48 Fiat G.55 Centauro, Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana

December 28, 2020 · in Aviation · · 4 · 2.2K

Built in 2016.

Initially my dad wanted to do the splinter camo "blue 11" with the Sottoserie 0 kit. But then he found out that the kit had only the wings for a Serie 1 aircraft and some filling, sanding and scribing would have been neccessary, so he re-decided and did a Serie 1 aircraft, decals came from the Flying Machines "Silurante" kit.

Painted with Gunze and Tamiya acrylics, XF-64 for the brown, the rest was selfmixed with "gut-feeling".

Antenna wire is EZ Line.

The Centauro was fielded in 1943 and only 274 were built during the war. The aircraft was liked by the pilots and in capable hands it was a successful fighter. Besides their standard camos, the also tested a splinter camo scheme that was applied on aircrafts of 2nd Gruppo 1st Squadrigila for a while.

The model shows one of these a/c in Cascina Vaga, May 1944.

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8  Awesome 1 

19 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. Beautiful build by your dad, Reinhard.
    Never have seen this camo pattern before, but it looks very nice.

  2. A beautiful plane, a beautiful kit, an excellent build, a gorgeous "experimental" scheme, perfectly applied.
    What is not to like?
    Congratulations, Spreitzhofer Combined Forces!

  3. Beautiful work.

    How did I ever miss that the cannon barrels are on the tree to do a Serie 1? Now I can pull that kit off the SOD. Thanks!

  4. Every time I see one of these unique-scheme builds of your dad, it makes me want to run out and start another build to replicate it asap! I love the subjects and schemes he chooses, and of course his workmanship is top notch!

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