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Rob Anderson
206 articles

It's that time of year to post your builds, lockdown builds??? At any rate, here is my 2020

December 24, 2020 · in Uncategorized · 9 · 1.3K

I was blessed (though at times it was kinda scary) to not ever have been locked down, as I work in an essential industry (dry wall manufacturing, nothing too exciting!) so I did not build as many kits as some who were forced to shelter in place. But I still managed to crank out a few "pandemic" builds. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Years and be well and blessed my friends.

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9 responses

  1. Love the classics, Rob! I bet the drywall industry has been fruitful this year. Stay safe!

    • Drywall is amazingly lucrative, my company actually had one of its' best years ever. Crazy world.

      • I figured if supply and demand holds true, and the price of lumber correlates at all with the price of drywall.. then the construction industry is booming. Lots of remodelling going on, it seems.

        • That and repair, rebuilding of infrastructure. Most of the building done in the 60s and 70s is now in need of demolition or complete remodeling. Over the summer the old timers at the plant said "we have never seen it so busy", we were almost loading it straight from the line onto the trucks, which you actually shouldn't as it needs to finish curing in the warehouse. We sell mostly to large scale building supply yards doing large commercial projects. We do sell some to smaller places, but virtually none to big box stores like Home Depot or Lowes. They sell largely inferior drywall products, cheap poorly made and prone to failure. I always recommend our products (CertainTeed), but any better grade drywall is well worth the few extra $$.

  2. Congratulations on your 2020 buikds, Rob.
    Nice, producting year (modeling wise...). A crazy world indeed...

  3. Nice work Rob. Particularly the Skyraider and the Stuart.

  4. Hi Rob.
    I love the Allison turboprop display !
    By the looks of it you were Creatively productive during these Strange times.
    Well done.

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