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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Just arrived on my porch

January 26, 2021 · in News · · 9 · 2.1K

From H-K. First review kit.

Kit decals for "Memphis Bell" also "Old Faithful" of the 303rd BG.

Accurate clear noses for 2-gun and single-gun set-up with supporting interior structure.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

9 responses

  1. Wow! I can't wait for your impressions.

  2. When you going to show us what's inside?

  3. Wow, you must have a big porch!

  4. Always nice to see such packages being delivered.
    Looking forward to the build of this one.

  5. Looks really great,Tom @tcinla.
    I believe it is going to build like it's "early G" cousin you did more than a year ago...
    What scheme will you choose?

  6. The kit is much like the earlier B-17G, other than the separate nose is for the "F" without the chin turret and with additional windows. As mentioned earlier, it has the proper "plumbing" in the nose to do either the 2-gun or 1-gun installation. Other than that, it is high-quality moldings and should present no more problems than the "G" did (even fewer, since this is a production kit with an instruction manual, which the G review kit lacked).

    I'll be using Kits World Decals to do "Knockout Dropper" of the 303rd Bomb Group, the first B-17 to reach 50 missions (November 1943) and then 100 (March 1944). The kit decals are good, they give you the famous "Memphis Belle" and "Old Faithful."

    There's no comparison with the 45 year old Revell B-17F, which has no interior detail at all.

  7. Ahh in the end..First good news of 2021.
    Did you check the lenght of main landing legs. I read somewhere that they were a few millimeters long
    I have to built at least two "F" ( Miss Ouachita and Memphis Belle)
    So I am waiting in ambush

  8. Looking forward to the build review. Any chance H-K will release a "E" version? Would think that if the nose is separate that they could make a different set of nose sprues.

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