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Tom Cleaver
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January 3, 2021 · in Aviation · · 16 · 2.1K

Technically, this Bf-109E-4 is a 2020 kit, since I started it in December. But I didn't decal and finish it till today, so it's the first one finished of 2021.

This new Special Hobby 1/72 Bf-109E-4, done in cooperation with Eduard, is simply the best 109E in 1/72. It has detail one would expect in 1/49: separate control surfaces, superb riveted surface detail, etc. Unlike every other 1/72 109, you can drop the slats and flaps and pose the elevators and ailerons.

Markings for the Bf-109E-4 flown in August/September 1940 by Oberleutnant Gerhard Schoepfel of I/JG 26.

I've posed it with the Arma Hobby Hurricane I in Josef Frantisek's markings, since Schoepfel is the likely pilot who shot Frantisek down in October.

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10  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Very nice model and rendition Tom
    As kids we learned from out parents how to Say “Spitfire” and “Messerschmitt”
    Not really knowing whom or what they were! That was a mouthful and it did not sound close to saying it right! Storied planes for sure. The 109 being the knife of the Sky.

  2. Great 109 Tom! Thanks for the info on the kit. I've wanted to do a comparison build of the latest Tamiya and a Hasegawa 72 scale 109G for some time. Sounds like I should throw this kit into the mix.

  3. Nice dogfight double Tom !

  4. Nice one Tom. You've had a busy year what with your prodigious model output and a couple of books published. I stand in awe! Best wishes for 2021. May it be fair dinkum better than last year!

  5. Nice Emil, Tom!
    It's so nice to see such 1/72 jewels!

  6. Nice work, Tom. Interesting colors. The dunkelgrun looks lighter than I usually see. I have not found a black-green and dark-green that looks right to me. I like the look of what you have done on this 109.

  7. Absolutely great looking 109, Tom.
    Nice picture of this 109 accompanied by the Hurricane.

  8. Nice work, Tom. That does look like a great kit. Lots of detail in a tiny model.

  9. Love the Double Dogfight display.

  10. Beautiful model Tom. Thumbs up.

  11. Nice work on this Tom, up to your usual high standard. As far as 2021, I've not a lot of confidence, for many reasons, it will be any better.

    • @dtravis - Given the news that has just come out about The Phone Call, I can only think of Bette Davis' line from "All About Eve": "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night." Only substitute year. As much history as I have studied, as long as I have been involved with things, I never ever thought I would ever read such news. I am flabbergasted beyond belief.

  12. Sharp looking 109, great start to a new year!

  13. A real beauty, and in 1/72! I just started a new project building 5 109's, which will deplete my 109 stash except for one duplicate Academy kit. Since the E is my favorite 109, I may have to pony up for one of these soon.

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