Messerschmit Bf 109K-4 1/48 Hasegawa
Pilot this plane was Oberfeldwebel Hans Rössner, Schwarmführer in 12 Staffel IV Gruppe Jagtgeschwader 77. He was born in Boškov (Československo) 25.5.1920 and dead 23.12.1944. This kit is my personal tribute for him.
Very nice and clean build, Josef.
Paint job is fantastic.
Amazing job, Josef!
I wonder if Oberfeldwebel Hans Rössner was a distant relative...
Brother my grandfather
Another winner, Josef. Excellent airbrush work.
Very nice model and tribute
A great looking build!
Wonderful build! I'm especially interested as it presents a great "research" item for my current 109 project in the WIP thread.
Nice clean work Josef and a very befitting tribute.
Very good airbrush work.