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Carl Christensen
50 articles

Panda 1/35 ‘Husky, mine detection vehicle’

January 20, 2021 · in Armor · · 5 · 1.6K

The is mine detection vehicle used by the United States Army, that I never knew existed until I stumbled over this kit from Panda while on Ebay. I had never heard of Panda kits so wasn't sure what I was gonna get. Was very happy with it, its a great kit and I really enjoyed building it.

Unfortunately I ruined it a bit (and I still kick myself for doing it) by using a brush to apply the green tint to the glass areas. Has ruined the final look unfortunately. If anyone knows how to fix this problem - please share.

The figure dosent come with the kit, but was a perfect wee touch to finish it off. Luckily he is standing, as if he was sitting he wouldn't be able to see out - haha!

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5 responses

  1. This is a really great model, Carl.
    Very nice painting and realistic weathering.
    Sorry, no experience on the clear paint mishap.

  2. I have found in my experience that it is best to leave things alone. Correcting mistakes always leads to more mistakes especially with paint.

    BUT If you really want to change it, I would remove the clear parts (assuming you used Elmer's white glue or PVA glue to glue the clear parts in place). Remove the paint from the exterior (I don't know what kind of paint you used - acrylic (easy to remove), enamel (easy to remove) or lacquer(not so easy)). I prefer to use an airbrush to spray on a thinned mixture of 50% clear gloss + 50% clear green on the interior side of the clear parts so that you get the color you want with a smooth exterior surface. If you only use brushes, I would still use the same ratio (50/50) but it would be Future with clear green acrylic paint. Future self levels and eliminates most brush strokes.

    Anyway, it still turned out to be a nice model of an important if unglamorous military vehicle.

    • Thanks Dan. Your first advise is the best... But I'm not sure how long I can listen to it. I feel I have a date with misery and might end up doing with option two haha. Just need to look at some options before I commit either way.

  3. Nice work! Never saw this before either. To me it looks like something out of the Mad Max movies.

  4. Hello Carl,

    Interesting model. Never seen before. Excellent weathering.

    If I use Tamiya green, I thin this down with (window) spiritus (The bleu bottle).The model on its side and with the brush let it flow onto the surface. Or thinned down to your liking and spray it with the airbrush. Last one, heavily taped off. To remove it, I use pure spiritus. No damage to clear parts. Ready for a second brush or spray paint. I picked this up from a Dutch modeler, when the Tamiya clear paints came on the market.

    Regards. Dirk

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