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Djordje Starcevic
21 articles

Yugoslav Supersonic ProjectHeller conversion 1:72

February 4, 2021 · in Aviation · · 6 · 5.5K

The YU Supersonic was the Yugoslav project with name: Novi Avion, related to project of light multi-purpose supersonic fighter aircraft. The program for the New Plane was started in 1986. All works on that program were interrupted with the disintegration of the SFRJ in 1989-1990. The break-up of Yugoslavia marked the end of the project. The new aircraft would be a single-engine lighter version of the aircraft with certain specifics. There was 6 proposed versions, some 4 finished as wind tunnel models.
This was very interesting initiative, used as base for forthcoming Rafale fighter project.

With help from one of my friend modeller, this prototype (what if) was finished converting old Rafale prototype. Colors Model Master, decals Lift Here. Pictures are from phase before mounting MICA missiles and after.
I hope you like it, and thanks for watching. All comments.critics welcomed.
Best regards to all

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7  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. A very interesting conversion, Djordje @djordjestarcevic!
    I love the idea of starting from a "standard" Heller Rafale, finishing with its simplified one engine cousin, that I did not know anything about.
    Building and painting are excellent!

  2. Very nice "what if" conversion, Djordje.
    It would for sure have been a very interesting airplane.
    You model definitely shows that.

  3. interesting project, and a nice model. Well done.

  4. That took some good cut-glue-sanding skills to get from twin-engine to single-ending and look that good.

  5. Great work. I never knew about this plane.

  6. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    A interesting project with a very good and nice result ... looks great Djordje .

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