21 articles · 1.2K karma · 6 friends · active 3 weeks, 5 days ago
Mechanical engineer, working in Cybersecurity, started with modeling when we had only plastic and glue, and stayed in love with it till now, more than 50 years.
Dream: to collect and build everything what hit the sky thru the ages, from WW1 to modern times, including prototypes.
Reality: more than 700 models in stash, with some 200 in the display cabinet...so not sure that i will have enough time in my life for my dream
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Hi all,
after long time i finally managed to finish one model (somehow getting older i have less and less time for this hobby, spending more time on the work 🙁 .
Airfix F-80 Shooting Star, model i first built some 40+ year ago. Now [...]
Hi to all
The model is the very old one, the only F20 in 1/72, so i will not bother explaining the plastic, because everyone know it. Model is finished on the end of previous year.
What I wanted to do is a test version with V-V Sparrow [...]
Hi to all
In addition to all the obligations, i finally managed to finish one model 🙁
AZ Model Messerschmitt in version E7. I was intrigued with those specific markings, because I did not know that this lunatic (Reinhard Heydrich) [...]
Hi all
after a long time of inactivity as a consequence of lot health issues, finally back on track :).
Finished Academy F-86 in colours of John Glenn machine from Korea war period. Academy is well known "plastic", good details, [...]
Another model which stayed few months in finishing phase, finished in last year.
Old Italeri, this time in double seat version. I remember , that as a kid, i sow ESCI box with this F-16, and needed almost 40 years to finally have it in my [...]
Hi to all
with best wishes to all for this 2022, first model finished.
Very old and well known Heller Sabre.
I was not sure that i will do it at all as in stash already waiting Fujimi , Academy and Airfix plastic...but nostalgic reasons [...]
The YU Supersonic was the Yugoslav project with name: Novi Avion, related to project of light multi-purpose supersonic fighter aircraft. The program for the New Plane was started in 1986. All works on that program were interrupted with [...]
Hi to all
Finished one more KP model, this time ZLIN 526 in colors of Air Force of Republic of Serbian Krajina (1994- 1995).
Model was finished without any problem, manual is little "undefined" so there are a few parts which [...]
Although this year has brought a lot of trouble to everyone, so it did not bypass my family either, with a couple of sad moments, thanks to this hobby, somehow a success to maintain "mental balance".
I hope that the next one will [...]
Hi all
probably the last model finished in this year, Eduard Focke-Wulf 190 F-8 airplane captured by Yugoslav Partisan forces (Yugoslavia 1945).
The only remaining examples of the Fw190-F-8 of the two preserved, one is located in the [...]